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Where do you want to start?
Writing a Blurb That Readers will Buy
A blurb is a plot summary aimed at readers. It is used on online book pages or on the back of your physical books.
Editing a Plot Summary for Concision
One of the keys to a good summary is making it short without making it vague.
Summarizing Stories in New Worlds
Made-up words are great woldbuilding inside your book, but they can really complicate a plot summary.
Identifying Your Story's Hook
Once you find your story's hook, you should be able to talk about, summarize, and market your book much more easily.
Persuasive Query Letters
All good writing starts with knowing what you are trying to accomplish. It is your job to show an agent why your book is a good fit for them
Writing a Plot Summary for a Query Letter
In today's querying atmosphere, a good book summary is essential to catching an agent or editor's interest.
Handling Character Names in Plot Summaries
Character names can be an easy place for readers to get lost during a plot summary.
Limited Third Person Point of View
Third person limited point of view is defined by being limited to the perspective of a single character.
Handling Multiple Points of View
Using multiple POV characters is very common and not hard to do. Here are a few tips for writing multiple POV stories well.
Deep Point of View
Deep POV is meant to be as close to the POV character as possible. You combine the narrator's voice and the POV character's voice into one.
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