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Where do you want to start?
Can Freelance Editors be Right for Authors with Traditional Publishing Goals?
Your planned publishing path is very important to the decisions about what kind of editing to get and how much to pay for them.
Persuasive Query Letters
All good writing starts with knowing what you are trying to accomplish. It is your job to show an agent why your book is a good fit for them
Writing a Plot Summary for a Query Letter
In today's querying atmosphere, a good book summary is essential to catching an agent or editor's interest.
Handling Character Names in Plot Summaries
Character names can be an easy place for readers to get lost during a plot summary.
What is a Standalone with Series Potential?
If you've done your research on querying, you've probably found the phrase "standalone with series potential"
Why do Publishers have Word Count Requirements?
If you've found the perfect publisher, it can be hard to understand why they would reject your manuscript based solely on a word count.
What Age are you Writing For?
When pitching or marketing a novel, it’s important to know what audience your manuscript is suited for.
Preparing a Manuscript for Submission
Most publishers have very similar requirements. By following some basic general principles, you can get your manuscript looking professional
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