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Where do you want to start?
Averbs: To Use or Not to Use
Adverbs get a bad rap in writing circles. Unfortunately, this is one of those writing "rules" that doesn't provide enough detail
Getting Familiar with your Genre
There is a lot you can learn from reading a lot of books, including the patterns of your genre.
Dialogue and Character Motivations
Dialogue can be tricky. Instead of being told by your usual narrator, dialogue lets each of your characters speak for themselves. The...
Said is NOT Dead
When writing dialogue, it can feel like you are writing an endless stream of names, pronouns, and dialogue tags. It can be a delicate...
Making a Protagonist Likeable
The main character is the thread that pulls the the plot forward. They are the point of view that readers are getting the story from.
Outlining for a Strong Manuscript
Each day that you sit down to write, you need two things: the motivation to do the hard work and the direction to keep moving forward.
The Basics of Plot Editing: Climax
The climax is the most important part of every plot. It should be the moment that everything builds up to from the very first page.
Picking a Protagonist
How do you make sure you are using the right main character?
Why Protagonists Matter
Books are fun because they can get inside other people’s heads. You can experience another life through another person.
Why have Only One Main Character?
A single main character will be a constant connection to pull your readers into the story and also a guide to take them all the way from tha
Beginning Your Book
Whoever you’re trying to impress (an agent, a publisher, or even a reader), the beginning of your book is your one and only chance.
Writing Resources
If you don’t see the topic you’re looking for on my blog yet, I have made a list of some of my favorite writing advice.
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