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Developmental Critique

My editing style focuses on identifying potential issues in the manuscript that will impact readers and helping authors understand the effects of their writing choices so that they can make the best decisions about their own book. 

My developmental critique focuses on identifying big picture issues such as flaws in plotline, pacing, and emotional payoffs, as well as identifying issues that may affect your genre and audience age range.


My developmental critique includes a full read-through of your manuscript, light comments inside the manuscript, and an editorial letter going over suggestions to improve reader investment and satisfaction. After edits have been delivered, I am available to answer questions to help you analyze possible solutions and plan your next steps.


Price:  $7 per 1,000 words

Substantive Editing

Ready to start editing your manuscript? 

My expertise is in fantasy and science fiction novels, as well as middle grade adventures. I can edit for adult, young adult, or middle grade audiences. I do not edit nonfiction, literary fiction, picture books, or romance manuscripts.

My substantive edits focus on tightening and polishing up the language of the manuscript in order to improve clarity, flow, tone, and emotional impact. This type of editing can help catch issues such as head-hopping, an imbalance of telling vs. showing, or on-the-nose dialogue.


My substantive edit includes a full read-through of your manuscript, with heavy in-text suggestions and comments explaining the issues and factors you may want to consider in your decision.


Price: $17 per 1,000 words

Query/Blurb Review

Need help with a query or blurb?

My query/blurb review includes two rounds of review on a single query letter or blurb. Each review includes in-line feedback on your query or blurb, helping you to effectively summarize your book, clarify your genre, and meet industry expectations.


Price: $100

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